Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Mariachi Music

Can you hear the music with the Mexican beat? Rattles, drums, flutes, and conch-shell horns! There's a spicy aroma in the air. Let's celebrate! ¿Te gustaría bailar conmigo?

Mariachi Music is a bold red flower, loud and brassy. The gold throat flows out into the petals and sepals like molten metal. Sometimes shows a pencil-edge of white. Long petals fold back informally in a variety of shapes, just as a musician's riff changes each time it's played. Two- to three-way branching, 12-14 buds. Produces many many flowers as despite its modest budcount, it has lots of scapes.

This is a mid.late flower with a long bloom season, starting midway through July and then reblooming in August. This year I picked flowers on Sept. 14, with 2 buds remaining. Late bloom comes from Roger Mercer's Copper Frills, candy-apple red color from David Kirchhoff's Crimson Wind. Makes rather small fans.

Copper Frills x Crimson Wind
Flower 5 1/2 x 2 1/2 x 1 1/2"
Height 24"
Mid-late to late season

Introduced at $75

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